We hope you’re all doing well whatever your situation.
If you attended the Zoom Annual Meeting, “Thank you”. We appreciate your input. It was suggested on a proxy that we defer the Summer Picnic until next year due to the Covid-19 situation. We discussed that at the annual meeting and again at the following board meeting and decided deferring was a good idea, so there will be no picnic this year.
We must announce the resignation of Wendy Carr as president and Architectural Control Committee (ACC) member. “Thanks so much for all your service, Wendy. We very much appreciate it.”
Speaking of which, we have officer positions open: president and secretary. Please consider volunteering some of your time to help make our HOA run smoothly and efficiently.
The ACC must have 3 members. We want to expand it to 5 to gain more input and ideas. Please help by volunteering (Email Caron Dwyer at mceha.board@gmail.com or fill out the contact form here).
Much has been accomplished in the last year
- The Monument has been restored to like new condition and should last for another 25 years with some minor cleaning and removal of debris accumulation (We’d like a volunteer to lead the effort).
- The trees at the Monument have been pruned — should last for 5 years with keeping an eye on them (another opportunity for a volunteer).
- A new sprinkler controller was installed in the Monument area, and its capability will help save water.
- Insurance coverage for the Monument and mailboxes has been brought up to current value.
- The storage facility was closed last August resulting in an annual savings in 2020 of over $1,100.
- Annual interest on the reserve fund CD was increased from a bit under $2 to $160.
- We were able to keep the annual assessment (dues) at $143. The 5 year budget plan includes a 5% increase in 2021 and 2023.
- Online payment via Venmo is up and running and available for future dues payment.
- The website continues to be upgraded (thanks Brian Lohr).
- We have a newsletter. This is it.
- The ACC design approval process is updated. New “approval” forms and guidelines will make it clearer and more straight forward and will be available on the website.
Still to be done
- Our mailbox shelters need cleaning, painting and new trim. We hope to do this project by late summer. Volunteer help to accomplish this would be welcome, otherwise we will have to put it out for bid.
- Please let us hear from you. The officers’ and directors’ names and the board email are on the website. If we each do our part we will increase the homeowner input and have a well run HOA.
Keep well and wave.